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1st SiteChar Workshop - 01/03/2012

1st March 2012, IFP Energies nouvelles - France
Characterise a CO2 storage site up to the final stage of licensing: how to get started? 01 March 2012, IFP Energies nouvelles - Rueil Malmaison (close to Paris), France
Topics: Site characterisation workflow, site applications, social site characterisation and process to develop and assess dry-run licence applications.
The workshop will focus on the methodology to characterize a site up to final stage of a storage permit licence. It will include
  • The SiteChar project
    Towards a methodology to characterize a site up to the final stage of a storage permit licence

  • The SiteChar workflow
    How to comply with the EU directive?

  • The SiteChar development and review of dry-run licence applications
    How to get ready for industrial deployment of CCS?

  • Applications on an offshore multi-store site and an onshore aquifer, two sites where the characterisation will be conducted up to a dry-run storage permit licence
    Where do we stand and where do we want to go?

    • Application on the Scottish site

    • Aplication on the Danish site

  • The SiteChar public engagement activities
    How to raise public awareness?
  • Also, two open discussions (including panel responses)
Please find a more detailled program and schedule below.
Limited number of participants.
If you want to register to this Workshop, please fill the registration form. You will receive a confirmation of your registration by e-mail.
Access map to IFPEN - Rueil-Malmaison, France
Results of the third SiteChar Stakeholders Workshop

Site characterisation workflow for the geological storage of CO 2 ...