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Carbon Capture & Storage World Australia 2011

30 august - 01 september 2011 - Melbourne, Australia

Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) World Australia 2011 brings together international and Australian industry leaders to discuss development, technology, investment and strategy to make large scale CCS adoption an Australian reality.

At Carbon Capture and Storage World 2011 you’ll hear:

  • How to manage financing between public and private sources from the Global CCS Institute.
  • How CCS is progressing in the Middle East and Northern Africa from the Emirates National Oil Company.
  • How a price on carbon could affect CCS in Australia from the Department of Climate Change.
  • How to implement storage strategies like the Wandoan Project (CTSCo).
  • Case studies from national CCS projects including Loy Yang Power, International Power Hazelwood and CarbonNet.
  • Leading research into technologies for CCS through our Technical Showcase.
  • Recent developments on CCS projects in the USA and globally from the World Resource Institute.
Results of the third SiteChar Stakeholders Workshop

Site characterisation workflow for the geological storage of CO 2 ...