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A full issue of OGST - Revue d'IFP Energies nouvelles dedicated to SiteChar

Vol. 70, No.4 of OGST - Revue d'IFP Energies nouvelles is entirely dedicated to SiteChar and Characterization of European CO2 Storage.

Results of the SiteChar closing conference

Characterisation of European CO 2 storage

Results from the Baseline Webinar

Baseline studies and results from the Danish site

Results Public Awareness Webinar with ZEP Communication Task Force

Webinar on the outcomes of the SiteChar project related to CCS public communication dedicated to the ZEP Communication Task Force Members. During the webinar the SiteChar methodology for social site characterisation has been illustrated as well as a specific tool for public engagement called focus conference.

34th IGC, Theme 6. Energy in a Carbon Constrained World

6.1 CO2 geosequestration David LUMLEY (Australia), Kevin DODDS (USA) and John KALDI (Australia) This Symposium concerns the long-term geological storage of CO2 in the earth's subsurface and includes issues related to site selection; reservoir characterization; storage assessment; containment security; measurement, monitoring and verification systems; uncertainty and risk; and resource conflicts.

4th Carbon Capture & Storage Summit

Attracting over 200 attendees from 34 countries to the Berlin and Bari events, ACI's Carbon Capture & Storage Summit has cemented its place as a leading annual meeting for leading figures from utilities, government, oil and gas companies and technology developers. Includes exclusive site visit: pilot pre-combustion CO2 capture at an IGCC plant - Nuon's Willem-Alexander Power Plant in Buggenum - Tuesday 8th May 2012.

7th CO2GeoNet Open Forum

CO2 storage research - major results and future perspectives.

Third EAGE CO2 Geological Storage Workshop

Understanding the Behaviour of CO2 in Geological Storage Reservoirs

Platts 6th Annual European Carbon Capture and Storage

Platts European Carbon Capture and Storage conference has become a benchmark for the industry. In it's six year history the event has grown together with the industry and provided attendees with an unrivalled overview of European CCS and its development. It has provided attendees with the latest in policy developments, tackled deployment challenges like finance, public awareness and storage liability, and showcased the leading projects in their various stages from Europe and from around the world.

Forum SPE : CO2 Geological Storage : Will we be ready in time?

This forum addresses the opportunities and challenges related to the potential development of a CO2 geological storage activity that would be several orders of magnitude larger than the current demonstration projects. Global assessments of storage potential in deep saline formations and depleted oil and gas fields have been developed, but they have a large uncertainty range. Can petroleum r

Towards Clean Energy Production - Managing CO2 For Enhanced Oil Recovery And Carbon Capture And Storage

PTAC Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada invites you to attend the PTAC Towards Clean Energy Production - Managing CO2 for Enhanced Oil Recovery and Carbon Capture and Storage event. This innovative event will focus on technology development, applications, demonstrations, regulations and legalities to address a wide array of industry needs for CO2 CCS and EOR

IPIECA : Addressing the remaining gaps in knowledge for CCS

Session 1: Overviews of CCS initiatives Session Chair: Wishart Robson (Nexen) TBC Session 2: O&G Industry Activity: R&D, Projects and Perspectives Session Chairs: Haroon Kheshgi (ExxonMobil) / Trude Sundset (Statoil) TBC Session 3: Status of CCS - Remaining gaps and barriers Session Chair: TBC Alan Burns (Hess)

Carbon Capture & Storage World Australia 2011

Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) World Australia 2011 brings together international and Australian industry leaders to discuss development, technology, investment and strategy to make large scale CCS adoption an Australian reality. At Carbon Capture and Storage World 2011 you'll hear: How to manage financing between public and private sources from the Global CCS Institute. How CCS is progressing in the Middle East and Northern Africa from the Emirates National Oil Company. How a price on carbon could affect CCS in Australia from the Department of Climate Change. How to implement storage strategies like the Wandoan Project (CTSCo). Case studies from national CCS projects including Loy Yang Power, International Power Hazelwood and CarbonNet. Leading research into technologies for CCS through our Technical Showcase. Recent developments on CCS projects in the USA and globally from the World Resource Institute.

EU CCS conference in London

The 3 rd EU CCS conference to be held in London on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 24, 25 and 26 May 2011.

1st SiteChar Workshop - 01/03/2012

Characterise a CO2 storage site up to the final stage of licensing: how to get started? 01 March 2012, IFP Energies nouvelles - Rueil Malmaison (close to Paris), France

2nd SiteChar Stakeholders Workshop

"Public awareness and acceptability of CSS technology" The 2nd SiteChar Stakeholders Workshop will be hosted by Imperial College at the Royal School of Mines, London (UK), on Tuesday 11 December 2012:

SiteChar Closing Conference

The SiteChar closing conference will be held November 28 at IFPEN, France. Register now !
Results of the third SiteChar Stakeholders Workshop

Site characterisation workflow for the geological storage of CO 2 ...